Thursday, January 21, 2016

His word is perfect.

This semester I long for it to be different. I long for it to have impact for the kingdom of God. My hearts desire is for Jesus to awaken my campus for HIS glory. One way that is going to happen is if I'm relying on the word of God to be perfect.
Many times I feel like "Christians" in today's society including myself don't respect the power of God's word. We often think that we have to come up with catchy phrases or elaborate sentences that will touch someone enough to repent to God. Or we think that if we use the word of God while we talk to people, they may think we're crazy or a bible nerd. However, this mindset is wrong.
This morning in my quiet time I came across a powerful truth.
Psalms 19:7-14
"The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.......more to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter than honey...Let the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord my rock and my redeemer."

HIS WORD IS PERFECT. His word revives the soul. The testimony of Jesus is sure. Meaning what Jesus has done and is doing in your life matters, it's a sure way of showing light of the gospel of Christ to those around you who are captivated by the darkness of this world. His word is better than gold. His word is better than any phrase or sentence that our earthly minds can make up. "His ways are higher, His thoughts are greater than ours." His words are the only words that can penetrate the heart of man and in return cause man to repent unto Him. As the body of Christ we need to stop relying on our flesh to change people and rely solely upon the word of God.

Jesus let the words of my mouth declare your word. Jesus let the mediation of my heart be on your word. When my life is centered around your word I know that my heart will be acceptable before your sight. Thank you that you go before me and that your word will not return void. Your word is sharper than any two edged sword.

Today, I pray that your word come forth in every conversation that I have. That I'm able to speak life into people because your word brings forth life. YOU ARE THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. I pray that people are changed by your words alone.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Without you, we are nothing!

Tonight I felt the Lord press upon my heart to write out what He revealed to me today. I searched blog-spot to create a blog to write out what He's spoken to me about. Come to find out, I already had one that I had forgotten about and wow is all I can say in words. I reread what I had written a year ago. The Lord leaves me speechless all the time but this time I'm amazed at all that He's done. A year ago I was on a journey to fulfilling a dream that has been birthed in my heart for a while now. Now a year later in 2015 I can sit here and praise the Lord for keeping his promise. He's always faithful.

He's always faithful.
With that being said,I want to share a glimpse of His goodness with you friends.

This morning, I had the honor of speaking to my church about my trip to Africa. I was reminded of where I was this time last week.
A week ago today I was sitting in a church in the village surrendered by red dirt roads, children everywhere, and people filled with the unspeakable joy that the bible talks about. No one had phones out, nobody cared what time it was, nobody cared that it was hot, nobody cared that the words weren't sang right, and nobody cared that the electricity went out during it all. They never skipped a beat. They continued to praise God through it all. The continued to shout and dance and sing at the top of their lungs to their King that loves them. Their love for the Lord was inspiring. It was humbling to see people who have nothing, give everything of themselves in worship. They showed me what true worship is like. They taught me that the presence of God can manifest anywhere no matter what the circumstances are.

Today, I'm sitting in an American church. I was so excited to share what the Lord had done during my time in Africa. To be honest, my experience in the African church serivce wasn't even on my mind. I didn't plan on talking about nor even thinking about it. It didn't seem that important to me at the time.
BUT GOD, had other plans. I had a video to show all the pictures that I had taken on the trip so that people could see and experience the joy that I did. However, our media wasn't working at all. We waited and waited but still no connection. I had to get up and talk about my trip without relying on the video to cover up most of what I said. I was nervous, then Jesus recalled the memory of being in church a week ago. He reminded me that they didn't have media and they still gave God all the glory!
That's not even the best part. The best part was the fact that we didn't have a worship leader this morning. We worshiped to music off a video. The volume wasn't loud at all and it was awkward at first. I thought to myself, dang, I wanted to really get into worship this morning after being away from my church for so long. I immediately got convicted. The Lord was like my people in Africa didn't need anything, why do you think you do? I began to break under the conviction of the spirit. Most people in the service probably think it was the enemy who tried to attack this morning, but I believe it was the Lord showing me another glimpse of his goodness. Showing me how great He truly is. Showing me that He is worthy of all praise, at all times. I haven't praised the way I did this morning before. I truly was humbled at his power and my heart broke for the American church.

Lord forgive us that we've made church all about us. Catering to our needs. When in reality all we need is our heart to be open and our voices to proclaim your goodness. We don't need media, we don't need music, we don't need a building. All these things are nice, but they don't determined whether we enter your throne room or not. All we need is YOU JESUS. Without you, we are nothing!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Dreams into Reality

I just want to start off by saying Jesus is good folks. He never disappoints a seeking heart. He always keeps His promises. He is truly faithful. I'm so humbled and amazed that the God of the world would choose to take my place on the cross so that I may live with Him forever in Heaven. It blows my mind that the King of Glory would not only save me but choose to use me to see the Kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

2014 THE YEAR OF THE OPEN DOORS. This year is going to be incredible. I declare it. A year of believing, dreaming, seeking, growth, signs, wonders, and miracles. I'm more in love with the King of Glory than ever before. I'm so honored to be used by the Lord and to be apart of bringing the Kingdom of God to Earth as it is in Heaven. Isaiah chapter 6 is engraved in my spirit. "Here I Am Lord, Send Me!" This is the cry of my heart. In July I have the amazing privilege to go be the hands and feet of Christ in Africa. A place that burns deep within me. This is the year that a dream turns into reality by the grace of God. I wish my daddy was here to be apart of this journey that the Lord has me on but I know He's proud of me for getting out of the American Dream box and pursing the call that's on my life. I still need a little under 3,000 dollars to be fully funded. That looks like a lot but in God's eyes it's already done. My prayer is that God will lay it upon your heart to donate to making this God dream come to pass. No donation is too small in the Kingdom of God. We are all called to missions. We are called to go, to give, and to pray. I ask that you pray with me as I go on this journey. That all that the Lord wants to be accomplished will be accomplished! Thanks to those who have already sowed into me and thanks to those in advance who will. I love you all so much. Let's partner to see what God is going to do this year. DREAM BIG FOLKS! We have a God of the impossible on our side! We can do ALL things with Him! If you're interested in donating, message me and I can explain the many ways to give to this dream! God is good!